About Us

SecureYourSeat.com is an independent, privately owned company based in Cyprus. We are engaged in the service of selling tickets at a premium, for hard to get football tickets worldwide. We are not affiliated with any other football club, promoter or box office. Our prices reflect the degree of difficulty, and the cost of obtaining the tickets, with all prices being at above face value for all tickets sold.

SecureYourSeat.com was created to give customers an option to purchase tickets at a price, rather than accept that an match is sold out, hard to get, or should you simply not wish to spend hours trying to get the tickets you want.

We are one of the most prominent and fastest growing online football ticket agencies in the world, with over 10 years industry experience. By providing you with the finest service, our goal is to exceed your expectations and make it an unforgettable entertainment experience. If you have a request for any ticket which you do not see online, we can guarantee any reasonable requests for match tickets you wish to secure.

This blog is here to offer you the latest news and information on UK, European and International football clubs and matches.